Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Sunday, 12 February 2017

The Secretive Jay

I've always found the Jay a particularly difficult bird to photograph. Sometimes it's even quite difficult just to see. They seem to disappear in the warmer months and only show again in the autumn when there are acorns to be stored for the harsher winter months. Of course, they are always there but just a secretive and skittish bird. More often than not you'll see them heading in the opposite direction, high up, as they've spotted you first.
The other week at Pennington Flash, I was grateful that one bird (helped by the hide I was in) was able to be a little bolder and come out into the open. It even gave me a few precious seconds to get some shots. It was a little dark, so they are not the best, but are some of the better shots I have of the Jay.

Who goes there?


  1. Excellent pictures of the sweet birds.

  2. Wonderful photos. We get a lot of blue jays in our garden. Beautiful bird!

  3. Beautiful pictures! The wing markings are so colorful...I've never seen that pattern on a bird before. Thank you for sharing this! #wordlesswednesday

  4. Lovely photos - I'm more familiar with blue jays but this one is quite beautiful

  5. We often have a Jay in the garden but he never stays very long. Just enough time for me to admire his beauty.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Excellent! You have captured their great moments!

  8. Great pictures. It's so annoying when you can hear them screeching and know they are there, but you can't see through the branches to where they are.

  9. Le bleu des ailes du Geai et magnifique ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  10. Awesome shots of the Jay! I would love to see one of these Jays! Have a happy day and week ahead!

  11. Fantastic photo's Adam. I know the Jay can be illusive, but you've managed to capture him beautifully. I once had two Jays visit on the peripheral of our garden and I managed a few hasty shots. Unfortunately some of the tree branches were in the way, but you can see that they are Jay's so I was relatively happy.
    Thanks for sharing :D

  12. wow...love the photos you got Adam....


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