Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Turnstones - Salthouse

A weekend at my parents new house in Norfolk a few weeks ago gave me the opportunity to visit the coast. The North Norfolk coast is home to many varieties of waders, and one of my favourites is the Turnstone. I know a few places where it is easy to get quite close to these inquisitive birds.
I find them quite comical and love watching them as they scuttle about on the rocks or shingle beach. I parked up on a road that leads directly to the beach, and it being early there was no one else around. I could see about a dozen birds on the stones quite a distance away, so I started to walk slowly towards them. It didn't take long before they were actually all walking towards me. So I took my opportunity and got down low and waited for them to come to me.
They gave me some good views and it seemed that they thought I might have some food for them. I didn't and so just enjoyed them searching amongst the stones for their own


  1. Hello, pretty shots of the Turnstones. I also love the colors of the rocks. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  2. Cute birds! Very well photographed.

  3. Super series Adam. Strangely this was one species that failed to get on my coastal fieldtrip on the weekend.

  4. Gorgeous...the second image down is my very favorite. Splendid~

  5. Nous aimons beaucoup cet oiseau attendrissant ;-)
    Céline & Philippe

  6. Great shots of the turnstones. Stunning

  7. Lovely birds..enjoyed your photos!

  8. I had not heard of this bird, but it certainly blends in well Adam...Michelle


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