Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Friday, 12 June 2015


I really enjoyed watching the Kittiwakes at Bempton and Flamborough. This medium sized gull almost looks like it doesn't belong in the 'gull' family. It has a softer look to it than some other gulls. It looks dreamy eyed and lovable. You'd probably think differently if you heard the noise that they make though.
Apart from their noise, the plumage looks very subtle, the bill is quite small and yellow and they have a lovely dark eye. Contrast this to some other gulls that have large aggressive looking bills and yellow beady eyes and the Kittiwake seems like a real pussycat.

These birds were busy making nests and generally jostling for positions on the cliffs. It was lovely to watch them sore and hang in the air. Quite possibly my favourite gull.

How cute.

With some comfy nest material.


  1. It is beautiful! Gorgeous images! Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

  2. Gorgeous images.
    I like the gulls.

  3. FLying, they look like most gulls..Much sweeter and softer in repose..Good pics

  4. I have just been browsing your blog images. Beautiful. Thank you.


  5. Hello Adam, I am stopping back to say thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  6. flowers up on high banks lovely all of them

  7. Nice work Adam. I remember when as a family we camped along the Yorkshire coast I grew to love the call of Kittiwakes. Now that i only see them passing along the west coast I never hear that call. I wish I could.

  8. It does have a soft, dreamy look!

  9. awesome shots...they look like statues!!!

  10. So sleek and beautiful. I see why it's your favorite.

  11. Wow....such a GORGEOUS bird!!!!

  12. Pretty birds, fantastic shots of them.

  13. I find it cool how many variations of gulls there really are :-)

  14. Oh, I'd love to see a kittiwake in person!

  15. Your image with the 2 birds opposite from each other is excellent - you see the conversation going on:)

  16. Beautiful captures! I love the soft gray in their feathers... such a lovely, calm color.

  17. Very pretty birds! They look so SOFT!

  18. I can't believe you caught that nesting material shot! Great job.

  19. I thought I had never seen a kittiwake but seeing your pictures I think I may have done but just not realised it. I must see if they live in Normandy and head out to find them if they do.
    Many thanks for adding this gorgeous gulls to #AnaimalTales

  20. you have some beautiful pictures here! Thanks for sharing. I had never heard of this bird before so it was nice to have a peek and learn something new.


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  21. love the photos i love gulls, they are so pretty and yes, these ones look very soft


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