Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Cattle Egret

Cattle Egrets used to a real rarity in this country. They're probably still the rarest of the Egrets, but like the Little and Great White Egret are becoming more numerous and something that I'm likely to come across without going too far out of my way. That said, they will be in twos and threes as a rule.

At Cley last Autumn there were extraordinary numbers of Cattle Egrets in the fields and wetlands. At one point there 20+. This picture below has 14 in view, and that was all I could fit in. Quite amazing really, and not something I imagined I would ever see.

Cattle Egrets

Meadow Pipits on one of the hides roof

Thursday, 30 January 2025


A goal of mine was reached in October last year, and that was to attract a Nuthatch to my garden feeder. I've had feeders for an awfully long time, but not had a Nuthatch where I live now. It was just one of those moments, when you look out of the window to see what's there and the shock that hit me was immense. I had to go and get the binoculars for a better look, but there it was in all it's finery. 😃

It stayed around on and off for a week or so, which allowed me to grab my camera a few times to get some pictures. Now all I want is a Woodpecker. I'm sure there will be something else after that too, but I'm not being greedy.


Saturday, 25 January 2025

Purple Sandpiper - Sheringham

A cold and very grey morning at Sheringham saw me checking the rocks at high tide for the winter visiting Purple Sandpipers. Two had been reported in recent weeks, but sightings were over a few different areas, and it was just a case of checking each time I was there. On my two previous visits I'd not seen any, but it proved to be third time lucky. I'd already scanned the rocks to no avail, and had walked up and down a couple of times looking, but it was on my way back that I spotted that lovely purple sheen and orange feet and bill. It was too cold to hang around, but I got a few shots to satisfy my annual craving. I really love these birds, and it may be the last time I see any until the late Autumn months again.

Purple Sandpiper