Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Thursday 17 October 2024

Russian White-fronted Goose - Redesmere

Just a few weeks back when I carried out one of my monthly water bird counts for the BTO I made the comment that hopefully something good will turn up soon here at Redesmere. For the majority of the year the water holds the usual suspects of Mallard, Coot, Moorhen, Canada Geese and Gulls, it's just how many of them there are on a given day. In the winter months though, you could get anything turn up. A couple of years ago I found a Great Northern Diver here, I've also had Black Tern and a Smew, but these are not the norm. Last week, whilst looking for a Kingfisher a group of Greylag Geese dropped in. I gave them a scan with the bins, and spotted a smaller goose that had a distinctive white flash on it's face. I started to get a bit twitchy and moved to get better views. I took some distant shots and asked the local Whatsapp group for confirmation of my suspicions.

This was indeed a Russian White-fronted Goose. A bird I struggle to see most years, and on others it's required a long walk or drive to see. And here was one turning up whilst I'm out watching. When you're luck is in!!! A great bird to add to my year list, and a bird that many others were able to enjoy and see for themselves. I'm not being greedy, but I'd now like something else to turn up please 😃

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