Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Monday 6 April 2015

Rook - Woodford

A bit of a Rookery has been developing recently on my patch, with several nests.
I've never really thought of this particular crow as very good looking. That bill with it's bare skin around the base. It makes me think of vultures and so, to me, makes them appear a little sinister and awaiting trouble.
Having said all that, I can appreciate them as actually a very smart looking bird these days. The shine on those feathers is quite immaculate.

The bill reminds me of a Brazil nut.


  1. I think it is a cool looking bird. The bill is different looking. Great shots.

  2. There is something about the way they gather that reminds me of Hitchcock's film'The Birds'

  3. Not the prettiest among the Corvids but very intelligent.

  4. That bill can do some serious work, can't it?
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/04/bluebird-breakfast.html

  5. That beak means business. I think pigeons are pretty with their luminous feathers. Most people probably wouldn't agree!

  6. he is SOOOOO cool! love him!

  7. Vultures and crows all seem sinister to me. They are lovely when you take the time to study them.
    I laughed at your brazil nut take - I'll never be able to look at them the same again. :)
    Wonderful close ups!

  8. Rooks suffer from human persecution because they are so like the Carrion Crow in appearance. But the Rook is harmless in comparison to crows. Thanks for your pics Adam.

  9. Rooks suffer from human persecution because they are so like the Carrion Crow in appearance. But the Rook is harmless in comparison to crows. Thanks for your pics Adam.

  10. Fantastic images Adam... I pass a big Rookery next to High Legh Garden Centre on my commute twice a day... fascinating birds to watch building their nests.

  11. He does have a strong-looking bill! Very interesting bird!

  12. Ever since I read The Rook by Sylvia Plath I have been fascinated by this bird. ;)

  13. There's a rookery near to where I live and when I passed it the other day the rooks were patrolling the area in a very menacing way!

  14. I didn't know what they looked like... Michelle

  15. That is one honking bill! Cool bird!

  16. Those shiny feathers are certainly beautiful but a bill that big looks like bad news for something!

  17. The bill makes them stand out. Great photos!

  18. A handsome fellow. That is some bill!

  19. Very nice images.
    Photo 6 is my favorite.

  20. because of the bill I find this bird ugly. But it has a very nice plumage :)

  21. The crows around here are always robbing the nests so I am not a fan..Good pictures though and I agree with you about the bill..Have a wonderful day..

  22. Fantastic looking birds! Kinda reminds me of our ravens with a lighter colored bill. Great shots!


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