Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Monday 20 November 2023


A visit to my parents recently saw a good opportunity to sea watch and also sit in the hides at Cley. It was pretty blustery to say the least while we were there and it did push the sea birds closer to the shore. The hides in the good morning light gave the opportunity to watch and photograph some of the raptors that were causing havoc amongst the waders and waterfowl.

A Marsh Harrier hunting over the reeds.

A Peregrine Falcon tormented the waders but was unsuccessful with each attempt.

Razorbills were in abundance along the coast, sprinkled with the odd Guillemot.

A rare sight for me, a Common Shrew. Ver quick and easy to miss, but this one ran across a road towards us before darting off into the safety of the grass.


  1. Good catch on the shrew! They are pretty fast little creatures.
    I had one near my deck area a few years ago.
    Good falcon photos

  2. The common shrew lives here too. They are difficult to see. Nice photos of it.

  3. You did well to get a photo of the shrew.

  4. Sharp and detailed shots, thank you!

  5. I have never seen a shrew. It looks like a cute little thing. The bird shots are fabulous.

  6. You were able to take beautiful photos.
    The marsh harrier and the peregrine falcon are my favorites.
    Greetings Irma

  7. I hardly ever see shrews, never mind getting photos of one. I guess they have to be rapid movers with harriers and kestrel around. Perhaps a Peregrine wouldn't bother them too much apart from the raptor profile that they would react to.

  8. Good morning Early Birder Adam, :=) I'm an early birder too except it's from my bedroom window.:=) Your in flight captures of the Peregrine Falcon and Marsh Harrier are beautiful, the light is especially nice, and the cute Shrew which I have never had the good fortune of seeing is delightful.
    All the best


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