I spent a couple of glorious hours on Sunday afternoon in Tattton Park, Cheshire. It's only a few miles from my home but is somewhere that gets visited infrequently. I should really make more use of it. However, this year I have made it my aim to photograph the deer during the rut.
Right now the male stags are strutting around trying to look mean. The herd that I focused on had one particular beast that clearly fancies his chances this year of being top dog. He was bellowing and chasing other males off while schmoozing up to the females. I didn't manage to see any antler locking or fighting but maybe I'll be lucky enough in the coming weeks. Here are some pictures to whet the appetite.
More of a playful slap down here.
A healthy looking stag, but he was not looking to take charge.
This is your man. He was up for a fight with any other male and very loud.
Not sure if everyone heard me, so I'll bellow again.
Bad hair day.
A very good looking stag. Could be a contender this year.