Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Thursday, 30 January 2025


A goal of mine was reached in October last year, and that was to attract a Nuthatch to my garden feeder. I've had feeders for an awfully long time, but not had a Nuthatch where I live now. It was just one of those moments, when you look out of the window to see what's there and the shock that hit me was immense. I had to go and get the binoculars for a better look, but there it was in all it's finery. 😃

It stayed around on and off for a week or so, which allowed me to grab my camera a few times to get some pictures. Now all I want is a Woodpecker. I'm sure there will be something else after that too, but I'm not being greedy.


1 comment:

  1. I'll send you some of mine..I see them daily but they are really hard to photograph..They dart in and out very quickly..Great photos!!


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