Saturday 24 September 2022

Burton Mere

 A visit to the Wirral is always good, and especially RSPB Burton Mere at this time of year. Waders are returning from their breeding grounds and in good numbers it seems this year. There have been high numbers of Curlew Sandpipers on site, and I managed to see a few. A real bonus was a Pectoral Sandpiper which had been found just moments before my arrival.

Pintails were on the water, as were some Wigeon, a real sign of the changing seasons. Lots of Snipe were good to watch as they probed the mud. Teal numbers were climbing too. A Great White Egret was close in to one of the viewing screens, and a lone Avocet was also good to see. There was a good supporting cast of Cetti's Warblers, Green Sandpipers, Mallards and Coots. 

A few of the Black-tailed Godwits that were on the reserve.

A Curlew Sandpiper (centre) and a Snipe to the left.

This Great White Egret gave me my closest ever views of one, from behind a screen.

A Pectoral Sandpiper (centre) with some Teal 

3 Ruff (to the right) and a Curlew Sandpiper on the left


  1. Great variety of birds, love the Godwit and the Egret. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  2. What a wonderful array of different types of birds.
    Photos 2, 3, 5 and 8 are my favorite.
    Greetings Irma


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