Friday 30 September 2022

Until Next Year

It's that time of year again, when we say goodbye to our summer visitors and look forward to welcoming our winter friends. Some birds, like the Swifts, went quite a while ago, whereas I am still seeing some House Martins and Swallows around. They may of course just be on their way home and feeding en-route. Still brings a smile though as I look up and think awwww you're still here. I tend to look at them for a little longer than usual as I also think it might be another 6 months until I see them return. Hurry up Spring!!! It's already been too long. 

Some juvenile Swallows that I was watching over a meadow a few weeks ago on a lovely warm day.


  1. I much prefer the Spring to the Autumn. Thank you for those wonderful views of the end of Summer.

  2. Beautiful pictures of the swallows, it's really autumn here now with beautiful cloudy skies and a lot of rain that we didn't have in the spring and summer, the water level has now been restored a little bit.
    Greetings Irma

  3. Hello :=) Lovely shots of the swallows hovering over the meadow. It is sad to see them leave. I still see a few stragglers here and there, but most of them have already left. I wish them a safe passage until they return in Spring.

  4. Great shots! I know how difficult it is to capture swallows in flight. The other day, I was clicking for close to 20 minutes and could lock focus only 4 times.

  5. Awww, such beautiful photos with the soft colors and beautiful bird. I'm with you. Get a move on, Spring!

  6. These are wonderful shots of the swallows. I am not looking forward to winter at all.

  7. The Swallows are sweet and quick to move. Sorry, I am late visiting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy new week !

  8. I was surprised to see a hummingbird at the feeder yesterday! I figured they'd all be gone by now.
    Thanks for sharing with us at

  9. It’s sad to see summer end.


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