Tuesday 20 September 2022

All Things Not Birds

It was a quiet time for birds a few weeks ago, but the weather was lovely and warm and perfect for other things to be on the wing. In particular the butterflies and dragonflies around Lapwing Lane Pool in Chelford. I had more than a dozen species of butterly and 3 or 4 species of dragonfly. They don't always make it easy for you to identify them though, and even harder is trying to get them to stop still where you'd like them to. That said, I had a great couple of hours stretching my patience.

One of my favourites, the Comma butterfly.

And with wings closed, resembling a leaf.

Small Copper. Very small and not easy to photograph.

Speckled Wood

Common Darter Dragonfly


  1. Great photos of the butterflies and dragonflies.
    Greetings Irma

  2. Gorgeous butterflies, love the dragonfly images. Great collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  3. You did a great job of capturing both the butterflies and dragonflies. :=)

  4. Lovely captures of butterflies and dragonflies!

  5. It isn't too often that Dragonflies pose so nicely for a shot.


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