Wednesday 11 May 2022

Garden Warbler - Lindow Common

I have never been able to photograph the Garden Warbler. These birds do not make it easy to see them, and more often that not they will sing from within trees or bushes. Also, they are not exactly brightly coloured birds, so not the easiest to spot as they move through the branches. During lockdown I found three pairs locally, and a couple of the males gave really good views. Of course, I didn't have my camera with me due to the restrictions. So I made it an aim of mine for this year to revisit the sites and see if they came back. This is where keeping handwritten records came in extremely useful, as I knew the dates and I'd seen them and where exactly.

I found two of the three pairs upon my first visit this year, and this time I had my camera at hand. They didn't exactly play ball as they did last year, but a little patience paid off, as I was able to get a few quick shots of one before it retreated back to it's hideaway. As you can see below, they are next going to win any awards for looks, but they do have a very nice song, and similar to that of the Blackcap.

The classic view of the Garden Warbler, if you are lucky.

It gradually made it's way into the open, but only briefly.


  1. Hello. Garden warbler is a beautiful bird. You got great photos of it.
    Take care.

  2. Hello,
    What a cute bird, wonderful captures! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  3. What a pretty little bird! We are having to deal with leave and branches in all of our bird photos now. It's a challenge but fun to capture something special like this little guy!

  4. Such a sweet little bird.

  5. Congratulations on photographing it. Birds like that seem to disappear by the time I spot them.

  6. Sweet little fellow! Thanks for sharing him with us at

  7. His feet look purple. Are they? Great photos!

  8. Super shots, these are rare in Ireland and I have only seen and heard one once - in Bedford.


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