Friday 6 May 2022

Pied Flycatchers in Cheshire

My recent visits to the Goyt Valley have been in hope of finding newly arrived migrants. One of those I always look forward to seeing again are the Pied Flycatchers. A lovely little black and white bird that flits around the canopy of the trees looking for it's meal. I came across my first one on the 18th April, which was almost identical to the previous years first finding. This particular male was singing, which helped me to track it down in the first instance. Seeing it after that was not so easy. I always forget how small they are, and it's always a job to see the movement through the branches. See it I did though, and spent a good amount of time watching it flit and pick off insects, then stop for a bit of song.

Male Pied Flycatcher

It briefly dropped to a lower level out of the sunlight. Amazing how colours change in the light.


  1. These are lovely captures of a beautiful bird.

  2. Hello,
    It is a beautiful bird, lovely series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  3. Flycatchers here in North America are also hard to find and capture photographically. Your series of images is really lovely.

    best... mae at

  4. Hello. It is a very familiar bird to me too. Wonderful photos.

  5. You took some great photos with the nice contrast of trees and the sky. What a pretty bird!

  6. You got some great shots of that sweet bird.

  7. They manage to look colorful even though they are black and white.

  8. Beautiful shots of this pretty bird!

  9. This cute little Flycatcher looks well fed! I would love to hear his song

  10. So beautiful. Regine


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.