Monday 16 May 2022

Common Sandpiper

Another fresh arrival to these shores is the Common Sandpiper. I found five the other evening around the shore line of a local reservoir. They were all very vocal and there was a lot of display going on and chasing from one side to the other. This all made it very easy for me to pick them out. It also meant I could stay in one place and watch them and just enjoy their exploits. I was the least of their worries as they jostled for a mate and territory. A super bird that I like to watch each year as it skirts around the banks for food. Just stay out of sight, or they will be off.


  1. Hello,
    Great series on the Common Sandpiper. It is a beauty! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  2. Nice markings on the Sandpiper.

  3. Nice shots! I think all of them flew back from here.

  4. Our version ( the spotted sandpiper) behaves similarly, darting around the edge of the water and acting skittish if you get too close.
    best... mae at

  5. What beautiful photos of this sandpiper.
    Greetings Irma

  6. sounds like they were busy - must have been fun to watch

  7. So good seeing the Sandpiper in action along the shore. This bird is well captured in your pictures.


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