Tuesday 24 May 2022

Golden Plover

I know of a field that often has Lapwings and Curlews in it at this time of year. They are joined by Golden Plover sometimes, but it seems like its a bit of pot luck as to whether you will see them or not.

I pull in frequently to check to see if they or anything else is there. It's a really triumphant feeling when you stop and scan the ground and there they are, scurrying about in all their finery. There were a up to a dozen on this evening, and some were making their lovely call. Nice to see them close up and not hundreds of yards away on a sandbank or field in Norfolk. They'll be here to breed, so hopefully I'll see a lot more of them in the coming weeks and months.


  1. Your third photo shows why they are called golden. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hello,
    Pretty captures of your Golden Plover! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. They are well camouflaged.

  4. What a beauty but you really do have to have sharp eyes to spot him!

  5. That’s a handsome bird. Have a good week.

  6. The speckled appearance is unusual - what a striking bird!
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