Tuesday 30 December 2014

Little Jenny Wren

For most of the year I find the Wren notoriously hard to spot. Usually in thick dense undergrowth, keeping out of harms way, whilst teasing me with its tick tick alarm call. Come the colder winter months though they are forced from their cover to forage more widely for food, or is just that there are less leaves on the trees and bushes? I'm not sure, but what I do know is that they give much better views when the days are cold. Such a loud song too for a very small bird.

Come on, turn round.

There's a good chap.


  1. Such a cute little fella!
    Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2014/12/fading-glory.html, and have a wonderful 2015.

  2. Lovely capture of the little bird. Happy New Year.

  3. Love to see the little jenny wren

  4. I've often spent ages trying to photograph a Wren, without too much success as they are just so active. I need to do better and get some pics like your Adam.

  5. Wrens are among my favorites ... they are ornery little critters, but the magnificence of their song erases any thoughts of their mischief. These are wonderful pictures, Adam. Our wrens are gone until spring so it is a pleasure to get a glimpse of one today.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  6. Beautiful shots! Birds are just so hard to catch, but the shots are so worth while once you do.

  7. Adorable! - Thanks for all the great posts in 2014. Looking forward to many more in 2015.

    Happy New Year!

  8. Yes even if you spot them they are so hard. To photograph but these shots are lovely. May I wih you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR

  9. Adam. Just to let you know, I have set away the photograph of the sanderling to be recorded. I would have emailed you however I could not see your address on your blog.

  10. Adorable wren, great shots! Wishing you all the best in 2015! Happy New Year!

  11. Stunning images of the wren.
    Perfect photographed, my compliments.
    I wish you and all your loved ones a very happy and healthy 2015.
    Best regards, Irma

  12. so stinking cute! happy new year, adam!

  13. Happy New Year Adam! Fanstastic little wren! Looks like our Winter Wren here!

  14. how nice of it to turn for you. :) It is really a sweet one :)

  15. They don't always do as there told. Happy birding next year!

  16. I love the little wren, their song is beautiful, happy new year birding! Phyllis

  17. I'm glad Jenny turned around for you! All the best in 2015!

  18. Isn't she the sweetest thing ! We have some wrens that nest on the ground . I don't understand why they would do that if they can fly! Are the trees too crowded?

  19. Those cute little wrens are sometimes hard to get a shot of, moving around as they always seem to do. You got some great shots there ( a always ask them to turn around for me too ;-)


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