Friday 26 December 2014


Blackbirds have been very conspicuous of late, and they've been taking advantage of the abundance of berries on our hedges and bushes. It seems that many migrate here from other parts of Europe, but I've yet to truly distinguish these from our own birds. It seems as though some of the migratory birds have a darker browner bill, whereas this one below quite clearly has a more yellow bill.

Plenty to eat here.

This male has Ring Ouzel like scalloping of brown edged black feathers.


  1. It is a bright colored bill and the feathers are beautiful. Lovely shots! I wish you and your family a very Happy New year! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Always a lovely bird to see and I love it singing. Hope had a great Christmas.

  3. Wonderful photos! I hope you had a lovely Christmas.

  4. Nice shots! Looks like they have plenty of good food!

  5. Pretty!!! I do admit, I love the golden orange eye ring!! [the bush...a crepe myrtle?]

    Thanks for sharing your link today at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

  6. They are beautiful birds and your photos are very lovely.

  7. Great photos of the blackbirds. Happy New Year to you and your family :)

  8. Great Blackbird images, have a beautiful new year in 2015.

  9. I have noticed a lot more Blackbirds in our garden lately. A sure sign of cold weather. The scalloped male is a real beauty and probably a "continental" - a really nice portrait Adam.

  10. Sorry Adam. Forgot to wish you a belated Happy Christmas. Have a great New Year with lots of birds and better weather too.

  11. I wanted to wish you a very Happy Holiday Season..Michelle

  12. Great photos and the light shows just how much brown is in those dark black feathers.

  13. They are prettier than most blackbirds I see around here. Or maybe I just need to look more closely.


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