Friday 21 November 2014

Fallow Deer - Tatton Park

I made a return trip to Tatton Park the other day. This time in search of the Fallow Deer. There were plenty around, but it appeared that the main part of the rut was now over for another year.
There were a couple of stags sat together in the long grass looking rather sullen and past the point of caring. While in the distance a larger male was happily strutting his stuff amongst his harem.
They were really quite difficult to see when they were sat in the long grass. Perfect camouflage.

A couple of Red Deer having a chill.


  1. Amazing series of photos! Beautiful animals!

  2. Wow I can see how they would be well hidden in that brush. These are all wonderful photos of these lovely creatures.

  3. Excellent photos of the deer. I'm off to Manchester in the morning. Wonder if I can squeeze a visit to Tatton Park whilst I'm there.

  4. Fantastic shots of deer. Nice variety.

  5. amazing to me never saw them before

  6. Wow! Magnificent deer and wonderful photography!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  7. They are so beautiful! Love your photos!

  8. Fabulous photos of the beautiful animals!

  9. Such an amazing creature. I have white tail deer around me.

  10. Terrific images of the Deer, they are so handsome and regal.

  11. They are beautiful deer! The stag shots are cool! Have a happy week!

  12. A great series of photos and very interesting contrast to see the deer among the long dry grasses and then out on that very green grass.

  13. What an opportunity to have the chance to take these photos! Great job!


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