Tuesday 18 November 2014

Grey Wagtail

I love to see the Grey Wagtail when I'm out on my birding jaunts. This little guy was busying himself around the edges of a reservoir in Macclesfield. It's looking a bit rough around the edges and a little scruffy. No doubt from a busy time feeding the young, as these was taken back in the Summer months. Please come back warm Summer evenings.


  1. Thank you for visiting and sharing at http://www.image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2014/11/i-miss-this-kind-of-weather.html. I always look forward to your visits. It's fun to look at what you've been seeing through your lens.
    Have a great week,

  2. Beautiful bird. I bet you find many kinds.

  3. Sadly we don´t have this one where I live. Thanks for sharing those wonderful shots :)

  4. wow...look at the long tail.....

  5. I share your sentiments about Summer Adam. Those sunny days are perfect for seeing a grey wag in all its glory.

  6. Not too "scruffy" for me! Such brilliant yellow underparts!

  7. What a pretty bird. I've got a "thing" for birds with yellow feathers. To bad there aren't many of them around where I live. Thanks for sharing this sweet little fellow.

  8. A very pretty bird! The yellow colour is lovely.

  9. I also love the way that the first thing you see when you spot a greg wagtail is a flash of yellow!

    Great bird.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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