Friday 28 September 2012

Little Grebe

Little Grebes, I have found, are always difficult to get close enough to photograph. They are small, quick and pretty shy birds. So as soon as they catch sight of you they either dive under the water or shoot off and away from you as fast as they can.
Having said all that, I managed to quite close to some at Burton Mere RSPB reserve at the weekend. I managed to get some shots as they came close, and they weren't that interested in me for once.

Here's the young one. Not a very pretty looking thing, but sort of cute.

This one had more of it's winter outfit on.


  1. they're adorable! we have pied-billed grebes that sometimes winter with us here. not quite as colorful as these, but just as cute!

  2. That is quite a colorful little Little Grebe!

  3. Great pictures of the little Grebe

  4. Very cute and loved your photos of them.

  5. Lovely shots! I like the fuzzy little one.

  6. Nice pictures you show.
    Wish you a good Sunday :)

  7. The Grebes are one of my favorites, they are so cute. Great shots!

  8. You're so right about Little Grebes being shy Adam but you took full advantage of that family to get some super shots.


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