Sunday 30 September 2012

A surprise visit from a hawk.

I thought I had a Buzzard flying low over my house today, which is quite unusual where I live. I've seen them soaring high on the thermals, but not low at speed. When I looked out of the window, sat on the rooftop opposite was a Harris Hawk. They are not wild here, but can be seen in many falconry centres up and down the country. It made my day, but I still had to let someone know that this bird was around. I have let the relevant people know and hopefully it will be back with it's owner soon.

What an awesome bird. You can see the ring on it's left leg.

I wouldn't get many birds on my feeders if these were around all the time.


  1. Wow, great pictures. How big is it compared to a Buzzard? From Findlay

  2. Beautiful captures, Adam! I love the one of him in flight!!

  3. Fun story. When I was looking for a spotting scope there was an escaped falconer's hawk sitting in a tree near the Cape May Bird Observatory. So in this great wild bird area we tested scopes on an escapee :)

  4. Mr.Harris is one handsome hawk. Great captures, Adam!

  5. What a wonderful bird to see like that Adam... great images.

  6. Fantastic!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  7. Gorgeous Adam....I like the in-flight image showing off the tail feathers and color markings.

    Sorry I'm so late this week getting around to view your bird shares and checking out the Bird D'Pots linkies!!! The computer of mine is now running a lot smoother to where I can actually get out and browse photos!!!

    Thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this past weekend.


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.