Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Let me know when that tide's coming in won't you

Thursday 27 June 2024

Garganey - Salthouse

The Garganey is not a bird I see very often, and it is usually a case of right time right place, or a dedicated trip to see one. On this particular occasion at the end of April, I was very much in that right place at the right time. I was up early, and visiting my usual sites along the North Norfolk coast near my parents. I  don't know why, but I decided to look at a new site that I'd had always strolled past and never given the time of day. On this morning there was a lot of water on the pools, and as luck would have a cracking male Garganey. This was the first time that I've actually found one myself, and it was superb feeling. 

These are quite small and very shy ducks, similar to a Teal in size, and they love to dabble in the wet grasses. This particular site was spot on for what it needed and I was fortunate enough to be there on that morning to see it. 

Male Garganey, with that lovely white eye stripe.

With a Lapwing flying overhead of the Garganey.


  1. I am learning about birds through your blog

  2. Beautiful photos, I would like to see both the Garganey and the Lapwing.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  3. I know you were happy to get to photograph this beautiful bird! It's so great to get out and see something special...which is every time we get out in nature!


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