Wednesday 29 May 2024

Wood Warbler - Binn Green

I'd not seen a Wood Warbler for a few years, and so was really pleased to hear that one had been seen not far from me. I got up nice and early so as to beat the traffic and crowds, and was in place by 6am. I could hear it singing from the moment I stepped out of the car. It was hopping between branches and going up into the canopy, but all the while was really belting out it's lovely song. It was quite dark in the woodland, so I had to wait a little while for the sun to penetrate and give me some light. The longer I stayed the better the light got. Such great birds, that have travelled from Africa to spend it's summer with us here in the UK.

Wood Warbler


  1. Loved the 1st photo the best! Rockstar!

  2. A cute bird. Your patience was rewarded: you got nice shots.

  3. Amazing how a little bird can travel far to sing its song in distant lands.

  4. A lovely bird and beautiful photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  5. How exciting! They do sing a loud and melodic song and you got good photos. I know you were glad you got out early to see it.

  6. What a beautiful series, I love these well travelled birds!

  7. Beautiful series of photos.
    Your patience has been rewarded.
    Greetings Irma


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