Thursday 16 May 2024

Garden Warbler

One bird that I seem to struggle with each year, is the Garden Warbler. and when I say struggle with, it's particularly the song. After so many months of not hearing one and having my ears fine tuned, this bird often sounds like a loud or excitable Blackcap. Add to that their secretive nature, and reluctance to sing nicely out in the open for all to see, it's been a bit of a bogey bird. Fortunately I now have a reliable spot for them just down the road, but it still takes my ears some getting used to distinguish between this and the Blackcap. 

Not a very exciting looking bird, with no obvious colouration or detail. It more than makes up for that with it's song. Nice to have them back for another year.


  1. You must have a finely tuned ear to be able to identify these birds from their song.

  2. Hello Adam, very nice shots of a tuneful bird.

  3. I more often hear a bird than actually see them. The warblers here are quick movers and tend to disappear in the leaves. You have some beautiful photos of your Garden Warbler. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  4. My husband has an app that recognizes/identifies birds’ songs — he has been using it to improve his “ear birding.” Your bird looks very pretty.
    best, mae at

  5. I love Warblers and we have several different kinds here. They do have such pretty songs!


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