Monday 27 March 2023

Things are Warming Up

Some local birding recently has shown that things are really hotting up with nesting activity and courtship. Birds are starting to move back from their wintering grounds and heading to their inland breeding sites, or at least, they are taking a break on the way for a rest. A great time to get out and observe what's about and going on.

A Moorhen with nesting material.

A Nuthatch, with what looks like a peanut.

The first Oystercatcher of the year. They'll be off to find suitable nesting areas soon.

A Great Spotted Woodpecker that has been drumming on this dead branch.


  1. Beautiful photos. The woodpeckers around here makes a lot of noice too. I hope it's spring very soon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Beautiful photos Adam.
    The nuthatch does not occur where I live, but in another part of the country.
    Greetings Irma

  4. beautiful photos....
    love woodpecker....

  5. The birds don´t really started comming back yet. And today it is heavy snowfall again. But I really hope to see a moorhen this comming season. It´s such a beauty.


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