Saturday 25 March 2023

Some Waders

Waders are my favourite genre of bird. You know where to find them, they are nearly always there, and they give you time to sit and watch them. A good hide where you can sit, have your lunch and just wait to see what drops in are my favourite places to be. There's always something to see and you can go away with a very different list to those an hour before you or after you. Spring and Autumn are the best times, but you can find me looking at waders any time of the year.

Here are just a couple of species, the Avocet and the Whimbrel. The lovely contrasting black and white of the Avocet in the sunlight, and the Whimbrel a little on the dull side in comparison. A great bird to see though, and one that makes my heart race a little more than the Avocet these days. It's always a bonus when your second look confirms it's not a Curlew.


Whimbrel, with its eye stripe and slightly shorter bill (compared to a Curlew)


  1. Hello :=)
    Good shots of both these waders. I enjoy seeing both.
    Have a great weekend.
    All the best.

  2. Hari OM
    I too have a particular fondness for sea and shore birds, Adam, and these are glorious shots! For me the Avocet is the special one because we just don't get them up here in the Bonny Land... plenty Curlew and even Whimbrel though. YAM xx

  3. They are both very beautiful. The Avocet was very special.

  4. ...Adam, you captured them in flight beautifully.

  5. They sure are beautiful when you catch them in flight too!

  6. Beautiful shots of these guys.

  7. Fantastic shots of these birds. I especially like the Avocet in flight, get capture and perfect timing,

  8. Beautiful birds!
    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  9. Beautiful captures of the two waders. Avocet is a pretty bird.

  10. Great photos of the waders are these Adam.
    The avocet is my favourite, well caught in flight.
    Greetings Irma

  11. Terrific description of a lovely outing in search of waders! And wonderful images today.
    Have a great week birding and thank you for taking time to share your blog with us at IRBB.

  12. Great photos. I'm not much a birder but I have heard of an avocet and whimbrels are new to me.

  13. Boy am I glad I looked at this post. I had no clue what an Avocet was. The first time I heard that name was when I bought my first cycle computer and now I do know what it means - finally! Beautiful photographs, Adam!!

  14. Your avocet in flight is like poetry!

  15. excellent shots of Avocet.....
    beautiful photos

  16. Lovely description of wader watching! And wonderful pictures. My favorite birds too because they are so handsome and because even an old lady with shaky hands can usually get a decent picture. The black on "our" Avocets turns a lovely cinammon sort of shade during summer. Are yours the same?


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.