Wednesday 13 April 2016


This is a bird that I have avoided seeing my whole life. How? I have no idea. I have obviously been to the wrong places at the wrong times. I know that I've missed some by hours, but that's the joy of birding for me. You never know if you'll see what you want to see, or if something better will turn up, and sometimes nothing at all.

Phil and I stopped off in Holyhead harbour on our way to Anglesey. We were looking for Black Guillemots, as they are often seen here. Low and behold, as I peered over the harbour side there was a Shag. I double checked with Phil that it was indeed a Shag and not a Cormorant. I was delighted when it was confirmed and ran for the camera. I often wondered if I'd actually be able to tell the difference between a Cormorant and the Shag, but it was quite easy when I saw this one. It's quite a bit smaller and slender looking. It also has a lovely green colouration.

The Black Guillemots we actually went to see.


  1. I like your shots of the Shag Adam. It's a species that is often overlooked or not noticed simply because it looks so much like the common Cormorant.Your pictures remind us that it is a very handsome bird in its own right.

  2. Congrats on the lifer, and you got some terrific shots for keepsakes - particularly the diving one!

  3. Fantastic captures... Wonderful!

  4. Never seen this one before! Interesting body! Almost looks part fish!

  5. Congrats on the Shag spotting. Loved the photos especially the diving one.

  6. Hello, awesome series on the Cormorant or shag. The Guillemot is a pretty bird. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  7. I love the shot where the Shag is jumping into the water. I hope you have a great weekend.

  8. Wow, the fourth images of the shag doing a dive is lovely.


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