Friday 15 April 2016


The Avocet is an iconic bird. The symbol of the RSPB and a sign of all good things to do with conservation and what can be achieved if everyone pulls in the same direction. The Avocet was almost extinct in the UK, but has had a remarkable increase in numbers in recent decades. A real success story and one I hope can be replicated with the Hen Harrier. Maybe the RSPB emblem should be changed to help it.

Enjoying the mud at Titchwell.


  1. I really hope you are right about the Hen Harriers. Great picture of the Avocet.

  2. Hello, the Avocet is a beautiful bird. Great collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  3. A gorgeous bird beautifully photographed. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  4. Hope you have a terrific week ahead, and thanks so much for participating and sharing your birds for us at I'd Rather B Birdin'.

    I really LOVE the coloration and pattern on your avocets. So very different that American. Pretty.

  5. Oh...(s)he is lovely. Way to go UK!

  6. Lovely bird, the Avocet and you have wonderful photos! Thank you!

  7. Fascinating! I've never seen one of these - looks like his bill is well designed!
    Thanks for sharing at

  8. Great photos of the avocets.

  9. A wonderful success story! And beautiful images!


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