Wednesday 15 October 2014

Curlew Sandpiper

Curlew Sandpipers seemed to be at most sites I visited when in Norfolk a month or so ago. In small groups of threes, fours or fives, they busied about there business probing the beds for food. Similar to the Dunlin, they can cause confusion, especially for me. What does help is when you get both together. Fortunately at Titchwell I did get both together and was able to sort out which was which quicker than normal. The Curlew Sand has a slightly more down-curved bill and a little less dumpy looking. These guys were stopping off on migration, as they don't stay here year round. Off to Africa for the winter. Now that sounds like a great idea.

Curlew Sandpiper

Dunlin on the left and Curlew Sandpiper on the right.


  1. Wonderful photos of these beautiful birds!

  2. Your banner is amazing!
    So many birds looking very cold!
    Dunling and Curlew Sandpiper could be easily confused!
    Nice pictures!

  3. lovely to see them colored like taht. :)

  4. Great shots. Like you say Curlew Sandpipers are a bit of a pain to ID but having them next to Dunlin certainly helps.

  5. Great to see these beautiful Curlew Sandpiper and to photograph. Nice detail in the feathers and beautiful color. You need them to capture beautiful. Nearby

  6. Beautiful shots! Love the framing and detail.

  7. Lovely little birds. I love your banner too!

  8. Really helpful to see them both together and get your expert ID help. I have trouble with shorebirds . And the pictures here are a beautiful way to learn.

  9. Wonderful photos of these beautiful birds.

  10. Fantastic!!! This is one that my Texas guide books telling me that they're a rare bird...would love to see one in real time. Excellent post this week! The Dunlin and Sandpiper are so very similar!! Wow.

    Thank you ever so much for sharing the link to your bird post at I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend!!

  11. love this sandpiper. And your shots is as great as ever. Love it.


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