Thursday 13 March 2014

It won't be long now.

We're rapidly heading towards my favourite time of the year. Spring brings so much joy to me in terms of the birds that will soon be turning up just a few miles from home. Together with the British species that will be setting up territories and nest sites, many will be coming in from other countries to holiday and rear young here. There will be warblers, Cuckoos, Swallows and Swifts to name but a few. My favourite visitor though is the Redstart, and to help increase my excitement level I thought I'd share a few pictures I took a couple of years ago in the Goyt Valley. Such a remarkable bird.

Here is the male in all his glory.

And the female's pretty hot too.

There's the red orange tail that quivers quite regularly.


  1. I must keep an eye out and see if I can spot one.

  2. Wonderful bird photography ~ very beautiful ~ ^_^

    artmusedog and carol

  3. Wonderful pictures of birds :)

  4. Cracking birds for sure Adam. I hope I see one as well as your pictures this spring. Hereabouts they are hard to come by.

  5. They're both beautiful! Spring is wonderful. The birds return and everything starts to grow.

  6. Currently, we are having a snow storm, and I just brought in some wood for the fire, but SOOON... The bird songs are changing, we haven't seen many new ones about. The robins overwintered, too.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  7. Your Redstart is a beauty! Much different than the American Redstart.. Great shots! Thank you for linking up with Saturday's Critters.. Have a happy weekend!

  8. Lovely captures Adam. Thank you for sharing (and for visiting my blog).

  9. Such a beautiful bird. I see why it's your favorite.

  10. they're really beautiful! hot, indeed! :)

  11. nice shots of a gorgeous bird. I hope I will see them this year. But they are not common in my area.

  12. A very attractive bird! Still no signs of spring here weather wise, but the grackles have returned!

  13. Beautiful bird shots of such beautiful bird!

    I am hoping spring won't be long to come..

  14. Beautiful shots of the bird.

  15. Such bright and colorful little birds. I love the way they flit through the trees like butterflies. It will be two more months before they make it to my yard. Nice photos.

  16. Such a pretty bird! When I see a robin I think of spring!

  17. What a beautiful pair, a lovely sign of spring for you.

  18. Great birds. We are at the other end of the cycle - many of our waders are about to leave.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  19. Indeed...a great bird, beautiful as they are!!! And great photo shares.

  20. So cute and with great strong colors!
    Perfect for WBW!

  21. Great shots Adam, I'm jealous.
    All the best Gordon.

  22. your robins are very appealing

  23. Wow, beautiful birds and captures.


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