Wednesday 19 March 2014

Iceland Gull at Elton Reservoir

The weekend saw me out and about in search of a reported Iceland Gull. I had seen one a couple of years ago at Sandbach, but to be honest it was a little too far away for me to really appreciate, even through the binoculars. So I headed to Elton Reservoir in Bury wondering what I'd find. This time I made sure I did my homework and knew exactly what I was looking for. It was cold and windy as I scanned the water, but it was not long at all before I picked out the very pale feathered Iceland Gull in amongst a whole host of other gulls. It was quite some distance out in to the reservoir, so these shots are not particularly great but more of a good record in Manchester.

The pale bird just left of centre is your Iceland Gull

Here out in front

In flight at the back behind a Black-headed Gull

1st winter Common Gull in flight.


  1. Striking photos. They are interesting critters, aren't they?!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  2. Wonderful sequence of bird shots.

  3. Nice shot of the gull in flight.

  4. The Iceland Gull sure stands out amongst the other gulls Adam. You took a great shot of the Common Gull - a much underrated gull.

  5. I wish I could id the gulls.. Great shots!! Thank you for linking up with Saturday's Critters.. Have a happy weekend!

  6. Lovely flight shots of the gulls.

  7. Very nice series of shots. Love seeing gulls on the water.

  8. Awesome post for the BIRD D'pot!

    I have a birdpost at my B&W Blog, too:

  9. First time I have ever seen (or maybe noticed) an Icelandic Gull. Thanks for the ID. Great shots!

  10. Quite a difference in the colour from the others! Your last shot is superb!

  11. a rare gull I have not seen. Seem to be adapted to bright winter environment. :)

  12. Always worth a visit here!! Amazing birds.

  13. I bet you were really pleased to see it and thank you for sharing the pictures of it. From Findlay

  14. Great view of the Iceland Gull and photos.

  15. Great to see an Icleland gull and all great shots of the gulls

  16. I think these are wonderful pictures. That last shot is my favorite.

  17. These are wonderful, nice captures, know you were pleased~


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