Tuesday 6 June 2023

Common Whitethroat

They seem to arrive later and later each year, but in reality it's just my anticipation and eagerness to hear their scratchy song that makes it seem like this. My records show that the Whitethroat arrives here around the same time, I just wish they would hurry up. 

They are here now though and I have several pairs on my local patch protecting their specific brambles and bushes. It's always good to hear them singing as I do my patrols and see what else is about.

Common Whitethroat


  1. What a great series of photos of this Common Whitethroat.
    It looks a bit like the warbler (Sylvia communis) that we see here.
    I enjoyed your photos Adam.
    Greetings Irma

  2. They sure are cute and look small. Great photos!

  3. Your Whitethroat is a beautiful bird, great photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  4. Nice little birds! It must be fun to see them after such a long wait.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  5. A sweet little bird. And great shots of it.

  6. What a cutie! Awesome photos mate.


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