Thursday 26 January 2023

The Wirral

A day trip to the Wirral is always a good day out and more often than not packed full of birds. The Dee Estuary is one of the most important sites in the UK for wetland and shorebirds. Large swathes of marsh and wetland attracts many different species and lots in good numbers. From Pink Footed Geese to raptors and waders. There's plenty to see, and even more so on a sunny day. I took a day off work last week to coincide with some good weather and I made the most of it, visiting many familiar spots along the Wirral coast.
One favourite to see in the winter time is the Hen Harrier. The viewpoint of the marsh gives many miles to see from left to right and out in front. There could be many birds out there undetected while you scan the whole length. So picking out this ring-tailed Hen Harrier was a real treat. It was quite distant but a real joy to watch through the scope. These are no more than record shots, but a nice reminder of the day.

Hen Harrier

Another bird that appears annually on this part of the coast is the Snow Bunting. This one has been plying its trade in the sand dunes. A great little bird to see.

Snow Bunting



  1. Great shots! The Snow Bunting is so beautiful.

  2. From what I know of Hen Harriers in the UK, and their systematic and unceasing persecution by gamekeepers, I would imagine that any sighting is a cause for great joy. It's North American cousin, Northern Harrier, is fairly common in this area. Most migrate south, but as winters become warmer overall, more frequently they are encountered in all months of the year. It is always a spectacular sight, as I am sure the Hen Harrier was for you. Add the Snow Bunting and you had a great day's birding.

  3. I don’t believe I have ever seen a harrier. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hello,
    Great photos and sighting of the Harrier! I love the pretty Snow Buntings, another great sighting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  5. That Hen Harrier might be distant but you took a great picture Adam. All the features are there to ID, including the reedbeds of the Dee. It's a good place to bird and one I have visited just once.

  6. Great captures! It's a beautiful bird.

  7.'s always nice to see birds in flight, nice captures.

  8. It's nice to take a day off when the weather is good for getting out. Love the Snow Bunting. Happy weekend.

  9. Hello :=)
    Great captures Adam, and a super day out. I am jealous, as I have yet to encounter either of these birds.
    All the best.

  10. I do love the Snow bunting. Great capture!

  11. Nice capture of the Snow Bunting.

  12. These are neat shots and, as you said, nice reminder of the day. Congrats on capturing the Hen Harrier. On my daily walks here in Seattle, I’m always hoping to see a raptor. They are truly beautiful birds. Nice shot of the Snow Bunting too.

  13. Indeed, that`s are great shots. I believe too, such bearing in mind.

  14. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip, and the birds you saw and photographed.


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