Thursday 12 January 2023

Drake Smew at Lapwing Lane

At a site I visit frequently in Chelford, there is a female Smew that overwinters, and has done for the last few years now. Not a common bird here, so it's nice to be able to see it fairly regularly. I don't see it on every visit as it is quite a large body of water and there are many places it likes to visit where it can be hidden from view. Excitement grew just after the new year, when a male and another female both turned up. I have never seen the male in a wild setting, only at the Wildfowl and Wetland sites where they are captively bred. So to see a male just 20 minutes down the road was a big thing. 

It's such a smart looking bird and such a contrast to the female. The male is mostly white with a black mask around the eyes, while the female is pretty grey looking with a red head. I think it is my favourite duck, along with the Pintail, so to be able to see one was pretty exciting. Can you tell how excited I was?😄 The only downside was that the light was once again poor and grey, with the threat of rain, so I didn't manage anything other than record shots that are pretty grainy, but still a great record of my first male Smew all the same. Being able to watch through the scope was more than good enough for me.

Drake Smew

Drake and female together (in poor light)

The female a little more in the open

Final image of the male when it emerged from the undergrowth


  1. It looks very beautiful, and I have never seen it before. Great photos.

  2. This would be one of my dream birds, Adam. I have seen one Smew in my life, an errant bird that appeared in Oshawa, ON a few years ago, but it was an immature male, and while very handsome not nearly as stunning as what it would become. Great sighting!

  3. Drake Smew has such a unique plumage.

  4. great couple.... never seen in nature

  5. Hello,
    I would love to see a Smew, what a beautiful bird. Great photos and sighting.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  6. You are lucky to have a regular sighting of this bird! On our recent birding trip to Holland the smew was one of the target birds for the trip, and the other birders, who keep lists, were extremely excited. Of course I was glad to see it as well, though it was rather far away.

    best... mae at

  7. Well done for perseverance in these wet and windy days Adam. A drake smew would tempt me out too. If the cold weather arrives as predicted there might be one of two over this way.

  8. They really are beautiful and a great sighting. Hope your weekend is good too.

  9. They both are beautiful even in their contrasting appearance. Great shots despite the bad lighting.

  10. Your excitement is evident and contagious. Adam. I too love waterfowl

  11. It's so much fun getting out to birdwatch!

  12. wow!! the male, what a beauty!!

  13. That is a fine looking bird. How lucky were you to see it!

  14. You have every right to be excited!! Beautiful ducks (actually both male and female I think). I do (American) crosswords and smew is one of those words I know from there rather than from nature; I don't think they frequent any of the places where I hang out (I will look that up -- I'm only an amateur birder). Anyway, I loved that you saw both male and female and thanks for showing them to us.)

  15. Magnificent looking bird!
    How awesome you got to see it!


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