Friday 7 October 2022

Mixed Bag

A few weeks ago I popped over to Macclesfield to see what was around, and because if I'm honest I get withdrawal symptoms if I don't go. There is always something to see, and add to that a wonderful place to just be in. I can always find a quiet area away from others, and this usually coincides with being out early in the morning. This visit was no different, and I was content once I had been.

There were quite a few juvenile birds of all sorts around. Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps especially were numerous. On the reservoirs the young Great Crested Grebes with their stripy heads were now a good size and there were lots of juvenile Grey Wagtails around Bottoms reservoir (that name always makes me smile). Grey Herons were making quite a racket, as they do, but it all added up to a good morning and put my mind at ease that all was well in one of my favourite local areas. It seems nature can get on on it's own whether I'm watching it or not.  

Juvenile Blackcap

Common Buzzard

Coots chilling (look at those feet)

Grey Heron enjoying the morning sunshine

Grey Wagtail, of which there were almost a dozen youngsters.


  1. Hello,
    A lovely variety of bird. I love them all! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  2. Those feet were something else! How fortunate we are to have so many species of birds.

  3. I know about the withdrawal! If I don't get out in nature after a day or two...I'm in a bad mood! lol Love your photos and what you see where you live!


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.