Friday 21 October 2022


I've been to some of my favourite places recently with the hope of photographing the Dippers. They never make it easy to photograph them, so keeping a low key is crucial. As soon as they see you they will fly off down stream, well away from you. So you need to be extremely cautious, and keep out of sight. This is good for everyone. Especially the bird, that is busy feeding and looking for food, and then for me who can get to take some pictures, if I'm lucky.



  1. The Dipper is a pretty bird, great sighting and photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  2. Hello :=) The Dipper must be very difficult to photograph but worthwhile when you get lovely photos like these.

  3. It really is a neat bird to sight. You really have some beautiful birds there.


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