Saturday 17 September 2022

Autumn Feeling

 With the weather taking a more autumnal feel in the last week or so, it felt fitting to make a trip up to the mooors, where there will be a bit more going on in the months to come. Well, if there is not much going on it is certainly a very nice place to take in the scenery. 

A bird that will become more conspicuous is the Red Grouse. There were a few family parties around and all looking splendid in the sunshine. I love to hear their bubbling calls and to watch them scurrying around, trying there best to stay out of site, but then always popping their heads up as they give their position away.

Another upland bird that will soon be making it's way down the slopes in the weeks to come is the Stonechat. They nest up in the moors but will be looking for warmer lowlands and food soon. I found this juvenile flitting in and out of the bracken. It seems to be a good year for Stonechats.


  1. The juvenile stonechat is cute. Wishing you a great migratory season. I too am waiting for the visitors to arrive.

  2. Hello,
    Love the Grouse images, I would love to see them in person. The Stonechat is a lovely bird. Great series of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  3. So much fun to compare your grouse with our most common Ruffed Grouse (I forget the name of our other, rarer grouse). Sometimes they give me heart attacks when they burst out of the brush, they can even scare my Lab; and their call, that whomp whomp whomp you can barely hear but can actually feel in your chest! I'm looking forward to the season with your birds.

  4. The Grouse are beautiful birds. I love their eyes!

  5. Great photos of the Black Grouse and Stonechat.
    The black grouse has virtually disappeared in the Netherlands.
    Greetings Irma

  6. Neither of those birds are found here so it is nice to see these shots.

  7. The red grouse has a comical look about it.

  8. I don’t think we have the red grouse here. It’s interesting to see it.

  9. I haven't seen grouse in ages! Great shots!
    Thanks for sharing at

  10. They are both interesting birds and I liked very much how you explained their migrating habits. We have sage grouse in Eastern Oregon and they are endangered. We once got to see them in mating season, when they dance.


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