Friday 10 June 2022

Red Kite - Cheshire

In recent weeks there have been numerous sightings and reports of Red Kites in my area, which is not entirely unusual at this time of year. But the reports usually dry up as the birds move through. This year there seem to be quite a few reports still which I'm hoping means that some may have set up home in the area. Fingers crossed if that is the case.

I wasn't actually out looking for them on this occasion, and I had packed the camera and binoculars into the car, when I could see this particularly large raptor heading towards me. Views through the bins immediately had me onto this stunning Red Kite. A quick grab of the camera as it approached and then flew straight past me. Superb views of a bird I often only see from the car. What a smashing looking bird.

Taken by surprise as I hid behind the open boot of my car.


  1. You got some neat shots of him in flight! He really is a beautiful shade of red!

  2. Greatful scenes on the sky ... fantastisc captures. Thank you for sharing.

  3. I'm always fascinated by raptors, and these are some stellar photos. So glad you shared them at this week's linky.


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