Thursday 10 March 2022

Sunny Times

The sun has returned in recent weeks, and even better than that, at the weekend. Woo hoo! Being able to go for a walk without covering up your binoculars from the rain, and even getting the camera out of the car is a nice feeling.

I took a few local walks last weekend to Redesmere and Chelford. There were good numbers of birds about enjoying the sunshine too. Birds that I have noticed an awful lot this winter have been Siskins. They seem to be around on most of my walks and in places I'd not come across them before. There was a large flock of 50+ at Redesmere and within that flock were around a dozen Lesser Redpolls. Both of these birds are quite small and flighty, and also like to feed at the top of trees. If they are not making their calls they can be easily overlooked. I managed to track them down and once seen, they were happy to keep feeding and doing acrobatics. Both these birds like to feed upside down and it can look quite comical at times.

In Chelford the long staying over-wintering pair of Smews were still in attendance. They are usually a telescope view away, and tucked under the over hanging vegetation, but on this occasion both were out in the open and in the sunshine. A great opportunity for a record shot.


Lesser Redpoll



  1. Sun is so welcome as we edge toward spring. Splendid birds. I've not even heard of a redpoll. He's charming.

  2. Hello,
    The Smew is a cool looking bird, great sighting. I love the cute Redpolls and the Siskins. Wonderful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  3. It sure is nice to have the sunshine and that beautiful blue sky for your backgrounds. Wonderful bird sightings too...perfect!

  4. Beautiful bird portraits and blue skies!

  5. It's good that you have seen so many Siskins and Redpolls Adam. I think even 60 or 80 miles south of here, it is just that bit warmer than our wind blown coast where both species have been virtually absent. I guess you will be out this weekend looking for those first Wheatears and Meadow Pipits?

  6. What beautiful pictures.
    I really like the redpoll and the siskin.
    Greetings Irma

  7. it is always so nice to have fun while bird watching!! beautiful blue skies, lucky you, and your images are great!!

    i enjoyed seeing the smew, a pretty duck i do not see here!!

  8. So nice! Wonderful to see the smews up closer than usual! Glad that your Spring weather is returning. And with it, obviously, the birds begin to return along with those brave over-wintering ones!

  9. a nice collection of birds :) Beautiful shots :)

  10. Love them all, especially the redpoll shots.
    Thanks for sharing at


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