Friday 25 March 2022

Patch Birding

A walk around my local patch serves to remind me that there is always something to see. Any bird of prey always gets me looking more than twice. Kestrels are common in my area, but it's always nice to see them and watch where they go and see what they do. It was a bit gloomy, but the colour came out ok.


There have been a pair of over-wintering Stonechats on a nearby golf course, Some days I can be looking for 10 minutes and not see them. Other days they are there in front of me for some time. Just shows that you never know what you'll see and just because they aren't seen one day, doesn't mean they are not still around. 

Male Stonechat

Not a common bird any more, but there is a good flock of Tree Sparrows around near me. Lovely birds to see, just not an easy find these days.


  1. Hello,
    Awesome captures of the Kestrel in Flight. I love the pretty Stonechat and the cute Sparrow. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  2. Hello Adam, :=) Superb captures of the Kestrel in flight.I was surprised to see a Stonechat, the male is a very attractive bird, I haven't seen a sparrow for a couple of years. Glad you were able to capture this cute Tree Sparrow.

  3. Kestrels are impressive birds, and hard to see. Good photos!

    best… mae at

  4. We are seeing Kestrels quite a bit now too. They are beautiful and the lighting really determines how their markings and colors show up. We good photos!

  5. I don't believe I've ever seen a kestrel. This seems a beautiful bird.
    Thank you for sharing at

  6. great collection of photos today - Kestrels are interesting

  7. Your photos, especially the bird in flight, are exceptional. Thank you for sharing them.


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