Friday 11 February 2022

Pennington Flash

The weather has not been particularly kind at the weekends, and it's looking the same again this. Dark skies, rain and wind. Not a great prospect when you work all week and just want a bit of sunshine, or light cloud. So last weekend I headed to an old haunt of mine, Pennington Flash, to sit in the hides out of the rain and see what turned up. If I'm honest, I was really looking for the Willow Tit that can be found here. Not an easy bird to find and on a sharp decline across the country, but usually quite reliable at this site.

I sat for nearly an hour and a half just observing the comings and goings. There were plenty of species and a nice fly through of a Sparrowhawk. An enjoyable time on what was then a very miserable day. Hurry up Spring.

Blue Tit

Long-tailed Tit


Reed Bunting


It turned up eventually. The Willow Tit.


  1. What great photos Adam.
    All photos are perfectly sharp, my compliments.
    Greetings Irma

  2. Beautiful series of photos, the birds are all lovely. Great photography.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  3. These are beautiful pictures! It’s always nice when weather supports.

  4. I love the long tailed tit with that hint of pink or lavender! It's beautiful! Glad you saw some pretty birds on your outing! Hope the weather's better this weekend!

  5. Your Willow Tit looks very much like our Chickadee. Great shots you got on a miserable day.

  6. I've never seen a Blue Tit before -- he's a beauty!

  7. wonderful photos - I love the blue tit - so cute - and the roundness of the long-tailed tit is so attractive

  8. Beautiful photos! The Long-tailed Tit is just the sweetest looking bird.

  9. Beautiful photos and lovely Birds. This post has inspired me to get out of my chair and go for a walk to see if I can see any Birds this morning. Thank you,


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.