Friday 14 January 2022

Glossy Ibis

I didn't expect to be adding Glossy Ibis to my year list this year, so was surprised to hear of one just 5 minutes down the road from where I live. This meant taking an early lunch to go and take a look. It was well worth it. 

It was cold and frosty, but there was sunlight, which has been sadly lacking of late. This bird was busy foraging in the hedge-lined field. These hedges also gave it protection from disturbance. All my photos were taken through gaps in the hedge. It looks settled, so hopefully stays for a while. This made it species 90 for the year so far. I dare say I'll get an easier one.


  1. What wonderful detail, Adam. I love that spot of red.

  2. Hi Adam,
    What a wonderful series of photos of this glossy Ibis.
    The colors are great as is the sharpness.
    Greetings Irma

  3. Great photos of the Glossy Ibis! They are pretty birds, I love their colorful feathers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  4. How gorgeous! We see them here but they are a rare sighting here too. I'm so glad you found it and got such good photos. That's a lot of different birds to see in one year! WOW!

  5. Beautiful shots of the glossy ibis.

  6. Great shots. I've never seen an ibis. Interesting bird!
    Thank you for sharing at


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