Tuesday 15 June 2021


Over the years I've spent countless minutes and hours trying to photograph Swifts and members of the Hirundine family in flight, to no avail. Trying to master their movements is difficult. Getting the camera to focus on a small dark moving object in a wide expanse of blue or pale grey is very tricky indeed. It hasn't stopped me trying though. 

I seem to be getting better results with this camera than my previous camera. As yet it hadn't been trialled properly on this small moving target, but the autofocus seems to lock on better and it stays with the subject. So I tried again a few weeks ago, when the Swifts had just arrived. They were quite low in the sky and so this made it a bit easier for me. Anyway, I think these are the best result I have had and so I thought I'd share with you. 

I should say that if you click on a picture it will enlarge it for you.

Common Swift

This is my favourite


  1. Hi Adam,
    What a great result you now have with your new camera.
    It is very difficult to photograph flying birds, especially the swift because it flies so very fast.
    The last photo is my favorite too.
    What camera do you have now??
    Greetings Irma

    1. Hi Irma. I now use a Nikon D7500. I previously had a Nikon D5100 :)

  2. You did well with these picture, Adam. These rapidly flying birds, twisting and turning all the while, are extremely difficult to capture, even for accomplished wildlife photographers. May I point out, with great respect, that swifts are not related to hirundines; they are in the family Apodidae, the same family as hummingbirds actually.

    1. Hi David, and thank you for putting me straight. I have updated the text so as not to cause confusion.

  3. I don't know what is better --the camera or the photographer. But either way, the photos are lovely.


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.