Friday 21 May 2021

Flycatchers Are Back!!

I've been fortunate in recent weeks to be able to wait for and then watch the arrival of our Summer Flycatchers. The Pied is always the first to arrive. Not a particularly big bird, it is easy to overlook it as it flashes up to the canopy of the tree. The call is the main give away, if you're lucky to hear it. It's not very loud, or as loud as I'd like it. 

So a small black and white bird in woodland that is difficult to hear. It's always a challenge, but one which I relish each year. It's a great moment when you hear your first, and even better when you catch a glimpse. This is usually followed by very long stints of standing and waiting for it to come closer, or close enough to get some pictures of. These images are the best I could get over numerous visits, and I don't know how many hours. I think they were worth it though.

Male Pied Flycatcher

The wait for arrival into the country is even longer for the Spotted Flycatcher. I don't know if it's because of the extra wait, but this is the one I'm always desperate to set on eyes on. Each year they seem to arrive later and later, but then I check my records and it's exactly the same time as the years before, within just a day or two. For some reason I always look for them a week or two early, in hope more than anticipation. This just means I head home disappointed each time, having not found one 😩.
The build up increases the excitement though, and then you one day there they are. The satisfaction is immense. 
Spotted Flycatcher


  1. Lovely! I hope I will be seeing them soon in my garden too.

  2. Hi Adam,
    Beautiful pictures of these flycatchers.
    I have never seen this species.
    I wish you a good weekend.
    Greetings Irma

  3. Hello,

    Your photos are beautiful. I love the Pied Flycatcher, it is a beauty! Great sightings of both Flycatchers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. ...Adam, these are beautiful captures. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. They have come here too.
    Wonderful serie of photos.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Great job with these two delightful flycatchers, Adam. I can understand your elation at the first encounters of the year. I remember, going back forty years or so, that on visits to the UK Spotted Flycatchers seemed to be sallying out from tombstones in every rural graveyard, but on recent visits they have been hard to find.

  7. I wouldn't mind a few flycatchers here where the flies are getting to be a bit more intense. And they are simply lovely birds, aren't they?

  8. Your photos of these birds are fabulous! Worth the wait.

  9. They are beautiful! Ours came back this past week too and I even looked in the bird ID book to make sure I was right about them. It's a neat time of year to have a camera handy!

  10. Lovely captures of a lovely bird. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Beautiful birds and you've taken some beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing

  12. Beautiful birds and you've taken some beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing

  13. Beautiful birds and you've taken some beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.