Thursday 22 April 2021

An Evening in the Uplands

I set out one evening this week to see what I could find, but secretly really hoping to find a Ring Ouzel. This blackbird like bird has been moving around the higher ground recently and some seen in good numbers, but I hadn't come across one yet. Nothing where I would usually find them, so forlornly moved off to another area to just sit and see what would turn up. I was kept amused by the local Red Grouse and the bubbling Curlews, while a Stonechat that just popped up in front of the car out of nowhere and sat on a post and watched me, rather than the other way round. 

Out of the blue, a large bird came into view and continued to quarter the area. A Short-Eared Owl!! Wow, I've not seen one of these for a few years now, and forgot how they make the adrenaline flow. This was really very exciting. I watched at distance, now out of the car, with the binoculars before it turned and headed towards me. Time to grab the camera from the car quick.

I stayed probably for an hour, mesmerised, finding it hard to drag myself away. In that time I saw 2 others at distance. So there are definitely 3 birds in the area. This all bodes well for some nice sunny evenings coming up. I had completely forgotten about not finding the Ring Ouzel. This more than made up for it. In spades.


  1. I can see why you were mesmerized. I would be, too. Your flight shots are fabulous.

  2. Hi Adam,
    What a great series of flying photos of this owl.
    Greetings Irma

  3. I too have not seen a shortie for years. You took some super pictures there Adam. I think I would have been totally focused on the owl and the Ring Ouzel would have to wait for another day.

  4. Wow, awesome sighting of the Short-eared Owl. It is a beauty, your photos are wonderful. Great series! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day! Happy Weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. Hello Adam.
    These photos are stunning.
    Take care.

  6. Well done with the flight shots. Such a cute looking owl.

  7. Any sighting of any owl at any time is cause for excitement and celebration.

  8. Wow! Such beautiful photos of an exciting find. Almost like being there with you. Thank you, also, for your comment on my blog.

  9. Stunning photos of the flying owl.

  10. These are super shots that you got of the owls!

  11. ...I have never seen an owl, much less one in flight. These are fabulous!

  12. Oh my how lucky you are, Awesome clicks ! love the SOE's they are just hard to capture around here in Ohio . I didn't get one shot this year .

    Saun in Ohio

  13. wow, what a great sighting of the Short-Eared Owl! And many gorgeous photos. Loved to see it and torally understand you forgot of the Ring Ouzel. I would have too, congrats to the gorgeous shots!

  14. Awesome photos of our feathered friends in flight ~ XX

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. You had a great sighting and took awesome photos. They could be used for an ID book. And I know what you mean...sometimes I just want to stay and observe and have to make myself keep going! And it definitely is one of those sightings that don't come along very often!

  16. Beautiful shots of the bird in flight. No wonder you were mesmerized.

  17. What a wonderful capture! Good for you!

  18. I've never heard of the bird you were looking for, but I'm mad for all your owl shots. Marvelous!

  19. What a delightful experience to capture that owl - thanks for sharing, Adam.

  20. A beautiful sight that I am grateful to be able to see through your eyes.

  21. Gorgeous! I'm jealous of these photos - they're marvelous! Thanks for sharing at

  22. Such wonderful photos of the owl flying. They seem to be nocturnal in my area and therefore hard to see but easy to hear hooting in the trees. They are so much larger than one imagines!

  23. Ohhhhhhh .... I really turn green and feel a nasty jealousy hahahahaha ...
    Really wonderful to see these pictures of the short-eared owls. In the Netherlands there are also a few, but difficult to find.
    My compliments for these beautiful photos.
    Greetings, Helma

  24. Adam, I’m not sure what the ouzel would even look like, but I would bet anything it couldn’t be as stunning as this owl! Absolutely beautiful pictures...flight shots and oh my gosh, that face! Wonderful. I loved this.


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