Friday 15 January 2021

The Cold Snap Continues

 We seem to be stuck in this constant cold spell at the moment. I don't mind too much if it is cold and frosty, but cold and wet just won't do. Pre the latest lockdown I went out when there was still a little snow on the ground, but the skies were battleship grey. Not ideal for photography, but that's never stopped the need for a bird to feed. So off I went.

There was plenty of activity as usual, with good numbers of our more common species, but a lot of the others seemed to stay at a distance and the light didn't help me with them. I got myself tucked into a bush and they came quite close without even noticing me.

Blue Tit

Great Tit

A bit gloomy for this Nuthatch, but I always enjoy seeing them.

I was quite annoyed at the electricity cables that ran along the background of this Grey Heron, but I liked the light underneath the bird from the snow, so I thought I'd share it anyway.


  1. I have never seen a tit. They are so beautiful. You must be the bird whisperer. The photos are wonderful.

  2. Hello,
    The Blue Tit is a pretty bird, I like their colors. The Nuthatch is a cute bird, great capture of the Heron in flight. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  3. I love that Blue Tit unusual! And I agree, I can stand a little cold but we don't get out if it's wet or windy. Windy really makes us wimps! lol Enjoy your weekend!

  4. Love all the pics but especially that heron shot!

  5. Fantastic shots Adam, I love the Heron in flight, beautiful.

  6. Actually the gloomy conditions make some of your pictures have a pleasing atmospheric quality to them. And you got to enjoy the birds which is the most important thing of all.

  7. Great shots! The last one is delightful!

  8. Hi Adam,
    Beautiful series of photos of the blue tit and the great tit, the nuthatch and the blue heron, you could photograph this beautifully.
    I wish you a nice Sunday.
    Greetings Irma

  9. Hello Adam! It was great to see your name pop up at I'd Rather B Birdin this week! Been a long time since you've shared. I personally loved how all your birds turned into beautiful portraits (and the wires around the heron isn't bad at all).
    Thanks for joining us at IRBB this week. Happy birding!

  10. Gorgeous photos. I don't think the wires distract too much from the heron in flight. Hope you are having a great start to the new week.

  11. Your close-ups of the Great Tit are amazing.

  12. Beautiful photos. I don't believe great tits come to our area. They remind me somewhat of chickadees. Are they about the same size?
    Thanks for sharing at

  13. I think you got great shots anyway. Blue- and great tits are common where I live but your nuthatch seem differently colored. Like your Grey heron. :)

  14. Lovely little birds and they do pose elegantly for you! (I like the big bird too, such a nice flight shot of the heron, notwithstanding the silly wires). Cold and wet is typical Oregon winter weather, so I empathize. We’ve been lucky so far though with a mix of weather, even some occasional sunshine. ....

  15. The gloomy sky was truly an asset for your artful images.


I enjoy reading your comments as much as I enjoy taking the pictures. Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post.