Friday 4 September 2020

Pickerings Pastures

 Birds are on the move again. Heading back to wherever they winter and feeding up on the way. I came across quite a number of birds at Pickerings Pastures the other day that were busy feeding in the warm morning sunshine. A pair of Blackcaps were good to see. They were gorging themselves on some Elderberries.

Female here with the chestnut cap.

Male with his lovely shiny black cap.

This Chiffchaff was having a good feed.


  1. Those shots are wonderful -- that bright bit of color in the background really makes them stand out from "birds in trees." What a terrific eye and camera you have!

  2. Lovely the see a pair feeding. Stay safe and have a lovely weekend.

  3. Love the Blackcap! It is a bird I am missing in my photo-collection. :)

  4. Beautiful photos.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. So beautiful Bird photos!!!
    Have a beautiful weekend, Elke

  6. Hello,

    It is great to see both the male and female Blackcap. The Chiffchaff are beautiful birds. Lovely captures! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend.

  7. Super shots Adam. I know how Blackcaps can be difficult to see in summer foliage. Doubly difficult to photograph.

  8. Very agreeable series. It is always very satisfying to be able to observe and then photograph birds going about their daily business. You have bragging rights with these shots.

  9. The action in your photos is great. I love the little patches of blue. As you say, the birds are on the move again, heading for winter homes.

    be well... mae at

  10. I just love when the background adds to the beauty of photos like these. They are really perfect! I love ripe fruit and berries...oh and birds!

  11. You are observant about capturing their images. Good shot !.

    Have a nice week.

  12. Beautiful bird pictures Adam.
    The last photo is my favorite.
    Greetings Irma

  13. Great photos of the cute bird enjoying the berries. You must be very patient to take the bird photos.

  14. beautiful shots of the Black cap pair. The female has a very pretty head. :)

  15. I enjoyed reading. Thank you for sharing.

    Have a good week.

  16. The blackcaps are well named, aren't they?
    Thank you for sharing at

  17. Nature always astounds me as your beautiful images they're protected with colorations to stay almost hidden to predators.
    Thanks for taking time from your day to link in & share with us at IRBB this week!

  18. They are all fueling up for the long haul back to their Winter home. Beautiful pictures, I just love these Adam! Thank you. My birding has been sparse this summer, so I am even more than ever appreciative of opportunities for virtual birds.

  19. Hi, great photos of these birds.


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