Wednesday 30 September 2020

A look back to when it was nice and quiet.

 As I've not been out for a couple of weeks with the camera, I thought I would take a look back at some pictures taken during lockdown. This was a time when I felt that nature tried to take back a hold on it's surrounding environment. This was a time when cars were very few and far between for a good two or three months. The sound of planes overhead stopped, but footfall on the pavements increased. Birdsong appeared louder and activity more pronounced. Or was this just the perception? Maybe they are always that loud, but it is drowned out by the modern world around us. Either way, it was a joy to walk through their habitat during my lockdown exercise walks. Blessed with some glorious weather too, it was nice to reconnect with nature and proof that whatever happens to the human world, nature can survive and thrive, probably better than it does now.


Golden Plover

Jays became very easy to spot during April

One of our smaller birds, the Wren.


  1. I noticed the same things about the environment and birds you did. I think you're right -- nature was trying to take it back. Your photos are lovely.

  2. Hello,
    Lovely collection of birds. I would like to see the Chaffinch, Jay and the Golden Plover. The Wren is cute. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a happy weekend!

  3. It was peaceful when nature was the only noise pollution around. Very nice photos.

  4. Hi Adam :) Those are some nice photos. I love the one of the Golden Plover taking off (or landing!!) :)

  5. Hi Adam, beautiful photos. I like the golden plovers. Greetings Caroline

  6. Beautiful photos, all!
    Thanks for sharing at


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