Friday 17 April 2020


Back in March I made a visit to my parents on the North Norfolk coast. At this time of year (and many others if I'm honest) I like to go in search of the Woodlark that I know are often here, but I have yet to successfully find one. Many fruitless trips to their favoured area has always left me disappointed, but I am not one to give up easily.
On this particular occasion I got lucky on two days, with not one but three birds, and at one point all in the air singing. This really was a case of being as cautious as possible. I didn't want to disturb these birds that were obviously setting up territory and pairing up. So I stood very close to a bush and just waited for them to come to me as I melted into the background.
I was rewarded with some very close views, and the real bonus for the first time this year was some very good sunlight.

It was worth the long wait to get some good pictures of these lovely birds.

You can see how I've probably overlooked these birds on many occasions. Once again, nature providing such amazing camouflage. It is there, I promise.


  1. Hello. Great photos. Woodlark is rare here in Finland. It looks very similar than Eurasian Skylark.

  2. Hello, the Woodlark is another new bird to me. It is a beauty! Great sighting and photos. Take care! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  3. fascinating the photo of this bird. Yes I had to take a closer look to see, great camouflage what a bird has!
    Have a good Weekend, Elke

  4. What a lovely bird. I have visited a friend up in that area several times and love the trails up there.

  5. Oh my! I had to put on my glasses! lol What a perfectly posed photo for being in hiding! Take care!

  6. Woodlarks look like very interesting birds. I had to look twice to see the camouflaged bird in the photo. At first, I thought it was simply a photo of the area.

  7. I've never heard of this species before! It is very pretty & such good images.

    Thanks for adding this post link today. Great addition to I'd Rather B Birdin this week!

  8. Beautiful photos, and the Woodlark is lovely, we do not have them here in Texas that I have seen. Thanks for sharing them.

  9. What a lovely bird.
    Thank you for sharing at

  10. Interesting! I've never seen a Woodlark before!

  11. Hello Adam..I haven't been blogging for a while until now but I wanted to stop in on Nature Notes meme bloggers to wish everyone well and stay healthy..Michelle


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